Cleaning Up Projects to Do Every Summer

WeServe woman cleaning the table for cleaning projects of the summer

After the harsh, snowy winter in Canada, there are a few warm months for us to enjoy. After staying home for a long period of time, no one can wait to start spending time outside again. Even if cleaning projects aren’t on our minds, they are a must though!

Make your house feel cool and comfortable so you are able to relax and enjoy the summer. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed by the amount of things that you have to do, we’re here to help you out! This is a guide on the things you should do to get organized. And you can always call a professional to assist! There’s no shame in that.

So let’s get started on the cleaning up projects to do this summer!


WeServe beige carpet vacuuming with vacuum to remove dust

Carpets get dirty (really dirty) quickly. That’s because they experience a lot of foot traffic. To have a carpet in this condition makes you feel uncomfortable. 

Any type of carpet collects a lot of dirt, dust, crumbs, and even pet hair. Eventually, these will start to cause unpleasant scents, stains, and might damage the carpet completely. This is why it should be one of your cleaning projects. A proper deep clean is needed.

After this you will have a fresh looking and smelling house.

The amount of times you need to get your carpets deep cleaned varies depending on your situation. The average recommended time is once a year. But if you have any pets, or if you are a smoker or just have some allergies then you need to clean it twice a year. You can even clean it once every three months. 

The cost also depends on many factors. Some companies have a fixed price based on the room or per square foot. Others look at how dirty your carpet is and the amount of furniture in the room. 

The average cost is $300 for this cleaning project. 

Cleaning Up the Floors

WeServe cleaning floor with mop for cleaning up projects this summer

If you thought since you don’t have carpet then you have less cleaning to do, you thought wrong. The floors still need to be thoroughly cleaned. For the same reasons you need to clean the carpet, you need to do the floors. 

Since summer is just around the corner, what a better time to refresh your floors and home. Sparkling clean floors will make your home look fresh and bright. Your house might even seem larger after cleaning and decluttering. Also, after a deep cleaning job, the light reflects on the polished floors which gives your home a polished look.

To have this cleaning project, it costs around $200 depending on the situation of your house. 


WeServe window cleaning with cloth and disinfectant wearing yellow gloves

Make the most of the sunny days by giving your windows a deep clean. The sun is shining bright in the summer so why not enjoy the sunlight on the inside as well. 

The windows will have unpleasant remnants from the season changes. But to do the windows, it’s not an easy cleaning project. It could even get dangerous especially if you need to climb a ladder to do the job. Have a professional come to do this job for you! 

To get your windows cleaned, most companies charge around $279. This price is determined on how many windows you have in your home. A rule of thumb is the more windows you have the higher the price you are going to pay. Always make sure you are hiring the right person for the job. 

While your windows are getting cleaned, there is no harm in checking if there are any damages. You might find out you need to change a window or two. So summertime is the right time to do this project!

Cleaning Up the Air Filters

WeServe worker cleaning up the air filters in a house on a red ladder

Summer calls for the air conditioner to be turned on. But if you have dirt built up inside, it will not work effectively. So before you start using it, a professional might need to take a look at it. 

One important thing to get replaced frequently is the air filter. When they are old and damaged, they will make your AC work harder. A rise in your electricity bill will occur and that is totally something you can prevent. 

The recommended time to get the air filters replaced is once a month. So if you haven’t changed them, there is no time like now. On the other hand, if you have any pets, you need to replace them even more regularly. 

A new air filter costs around $10-$20. Make sure you get the right type depending on which AC model you have in your home.

Exterior Power wash

WeServe power washer equipment to wash the exterior of the white house

The exterior of your house is something you don’t want to miss out on cleaning this summer. After months of heavy snow and rain, your home has endured a lot. So wash away all the winter dirty and wear signs to refresh the exterior. 

Power washing is the solution. It is one of the simplest ways to get the outside of your house cleaned. To do this job, it’s going to be a bit expensive. The task costs around $600. It is going to be a big investment, but after seeing the results, you will be happy you did it! 

Get the help of a professional to make your home shine inside and out! After doing all these cleaning projects, you will be feeling refreshed and happy all summer long. Now get outside and enjoy the lovely weather!

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Ways to Trim Down On Painting Cost For House

WeServe Guy painting around the door

Who doesn’t like to feel like their house is brand new? Without moving into or purchasing a brand new house, this can be achieved by simply painting the walls. But such a task costs money. Maybe more money than you’ve expected. Painting cost for a house depends on what you are planning to do.

The price usually ranges from around $7,000 – $9,000 CAD + HST. The price per square foot to paint a 2000 sq ft house is around $2.25 to $3 CAD + HST. The average cost to paint a house is usually $4,000 – $5,000 CAD + HST for interior painting for the walls only. Two floors of a house for interior painting for the walls only is anywhere from $5,000 – $10,000 CAD + HST. The average cost is $700 – $1,200 CAD + HST for the trims and doors, including baseboards, door, and window frames. That usually consists of two coats of premium white paint. The average cost is usually $1,000 – $1,300 CAD + HST for ceilings that don’t need any extra fussing. The average size GTA home has 3 – 4 closets. The price for each can vary from $75 – $125 CAD + HST. The cost of French doors is usually around $300 CAD + HST.

Breaking Down the Painting Cost for House

WeServe man painting a blue wall white with brush

The house painting costs don’t only depend on the material you are covering, but also on the area you live in.

The expenses fall into two main categories:

Labor costs

With any home painting job, the biggest cost is the labor. Painters usually spend a long time inside the house. The prepping phase of the walls takes time and labor. Without preparing the walls, the paint won’t adhere well and the job won’t last. 

The only way to save up some money on this is to reduce how much time these professional painters are staying in your house. You can help out by cleaning, sanding, patching or caulking anything needed. 

Paint & Materials

The average paint gallon is around $45. But it depends on the sheen, the grade you choose, and if there are any special features. For instance, some are mold resistance.  Others suppress smells or require fewer coats. 

Your professional painter will recommend the best type of paint for your home. 

The other materials are the tapes, tarps, brushes, rollers, and any other equipment and supplies. 

Tips for Saving on Painting Cost for House

WeServe two men painting the ceiling of house white

Labor is your biggest expense. Knowing this piece of information, you can reduce the hours the painters are spending in your home. This and other tips can help reduce on house painting costs.

Get Competing Bids

Don’t settle for the first professional you meet. Before hiring, get multiple estimates. Also, find recommended and licensed experts around your area.

When you find the ideal man or woman for the job, you need to start asking some questions. Ask the painter to specify how many hours it’s going to take to prep and to paint. As well as what products is he/she is going to use, how many coats he/she will apply, and what additional costs there will be.


Make sure you get everything in writing. This will simply assure you that you are getting everything done that you have already agreed on. Whether that is caulking the windows or painting the bathroom on the second floor.

Do Some of the Work Yourself to Cut Down on Painting Cost For House

WeServe Man sitting on the floor looking at painting tools

Hiring a professional is always the right move when it comes to painting your home. On the other hand, there are some things that you can do by yourself to save up a little money on the house paint expenses.

Trimming the shrubs for example is an easy job to do on your own. Save up some time by moving the furniture to clear the space for the painters. Remove the outlet covers and reinstall them after the paint job is done. If you have the skills, you can patch, scrape, and sand the walls. But if you are not sure of your capabilities, leave it to the professionals.

Repaint the Walls Frequently

Repaint before seeing any visible signs of wear appear. This is important especially for the exterior of the house. Don’t wait to see peeling or flaking. It will only cost you more money to paint it the next time. 

Think Before You Paint

WeServe man painting the exterior of a house white

You need to think about what color you are going to use. When you recoat your existing color, you may get away with doing one coat only. Unlike if you decide to change the color. Then one coat won’t be enough. 

Also, avoid deep colors. Bright reds and oranges mostly require four to five coats to cover well. Meaning more paint and labor cost. 

Go for lighter colors on the exterior, they don’t fade as fast as the darker colors. This way you don’t have to repaint more often. 

Now that you have a better idea about painting cost for the house, you can start planning for your new paint job project. Save some money with the tips provided but also consult with a professional. Get the home of your dreams now with fresh new paint!

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A Guide on How to Remove Black Mold in the Bathroom

WeServe modern white bathroom with bathtub and sink

Having a fresh and clean house is what makes it feel like home. Taking care of your home is an important chore. Some people enjoy cleaning the house, making them feel productive and motivated. But when you are simply doing your routine clean up and encounter a dark, slimy growth, it makes you wonder if that’s black mold in the bathroom. 

Mold can affect the health of you and your family. It can also affect your house’s infrastructure. This is why you shouldn’t skip out on cleaning it up. 

What is Black Mold?

WeServe Woman cleaning bathroom tiles from black modl

Black mold refers to multiple species of mold. They thrive in warm, frequently moist environments. These include bathtubs, toilets, kitchens, and basements. You can also find them on wood, dirt, or paper. 

If a humidifier is used indoors, it increases the chance of mold growth. 

Regardless of the color, all molds should be removed from homes and buildings. 

To remove the mold, it is better to call an expert to help you out especially if you are allergic or vulnerable to it. 

Is This Black Mold In the Bathroom Or Something Else?

WeServe Cleaning of the black mold on the tub

Black mold can be hard to be mistaken with something else. It appears as slick, dark green or black splotches. But sometimes fungus growth might occur. 

The best way to be certain about the type of growth in your bathroom is to call a professional to be inspected. 

Why Is There Black Mold In The Bathroom?

The bathroom is the perfect habitat for the mold to grow. It is a natural breeding ground for all kinds of fungus. Mold migrates through the air outside and indoors as microscopic spores. 

No matter how much you clean the bathroom, it’s almost impossible to prevent spores from making themselves at home. 

Can Black Mold in the Shower Make You Sick?

Well yes, it can. Mold affects people in different ways. It often causes no symptoms. Some symptoms may appear if you are sensitive to mold. So you are right to be concerned. Health risks may include increased severity of existing allergies. As well as increasing the frequency of asthma attacks.

If you spend a long time in a moldy shower, you might experience a scratchy throat, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. 

How To Get Rid Of Black Mold In The Bathroom?

WeServe woman cleaning the mold from the sides of the tub

The first you need to do is to identify the source of moisture. That can be a leaking pipe or a dripping faucet. Call a plumber to help you with these repairs.

Always be safe when attempting to remove the black mold by yourself. Put together the items you need and be sure to wear protective gloves so you won’t harm your skin. 

Although different areas of the bathroom require different techniques, bleach and water solutions work on most surfaces. 

Here are a few DIY ideas to reduce the amount of mold in the bathroom.

The Toilet

Flush and drain as much water as possible from the bowl. Then spray the areas with black mold with bleach and let it sit for a few minutes. Flush again. Using a toilet brush, scrub with your bleach and water solution. Flush, and repeat until the black mold is removed.

Tip: Dispose all the tools used when you’re finished.

The Sink

Wet the mold in the sink with bleach. Scrub it with a stiff brush and rinse well. Repeat this step until there is no black mold. Pour one cup of white vinegar down the drain and follow it with hot water.

Shower Head

Remove the shower head completely and let it sink in your cleaning solution. Then use a stiff brush and scrub it until the mold is removed and leave it to dry before putting it back. 

Bathroom Wall

WeServe man cleaning the mold from the tiles of the bathroom

First, start with scrubbing the black mold off the tile. Use a bleach solution and then rinse it off with warm water. Spray the tiles with white vinegar and let it sit for 30 minutes before removing it. Finish it off with a good scrub.

Bathroom Ceiling 

Wash the ceiling with a mixture of warm water and a mild detergent. Then, spray the moldy ceiling with an anti-fungal solution, and sponge it into the corners. Let the solution dry for half an hour and rinse it off with fresh water.

Tip: Wear wrap-around goggles when you’re cleaning mold off a ceiling.

When Should I Call a Professional?

Call a specialist when you want to tackle a big surface. For example, when there is mold under the bathroom floor. They can handle any job too dangerous for you. They come prepared and know what they are doing causing no safety hazards. Don’t take unnecessary chances and let a professional assist you. 

On the WeServe app, you can find the ideal specialist to come and tackle black mold in your bathroom or virtually any room in your home. Keep your home clean and family safe with WeServe.

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Ditch Costly Home Repairs With These Simple Steps

House in Toronto Canada

Canadians are eager for the sun to come out. With the snow and ice finally retreating, everyone is excited to be outdoors. But before you fire up your grill and put out your patio furniture, be sure to repair the damages that took place during the winter season. Home repairs in Canada are crucial to making most of the summer season.

Since the harsh winter and snow causes some issues around the house, a few preventative measures must be taken before the issues get bigger than they have to. This will help you to avoid a costly project down the road. 

So here a few steps to follow: 

Start From the Top

Roof of a house in Toronto, Canada

The roof over your head is the first thing that protects you against the weather. So naturally, it is the one that takes the most hits from winter storms. Any small damage to the roof will start out as a leak. But eventually, if left untreated, it will turn into a more serious structural damage. When regular checks are done, this problem can be easily avoided. Who wants to deal with expensive home repairs anyway?

Different roof materials need different types of care. Shingles, for example, need to be checked more often. They are especially susceptible to winter storms. If there is any damaged or missing shingle from your roof, it can cause very serious water damage to your home. 

While you’re still up on your ladder checking your roof, make some time to clean up the debris that might be stuck in the eavestroughs. Backed up gutter can make the water seep under the shingles causing damage to the roof. 

Home Repairs Around the House

Patio of the house in Toronto, Canada

After finishing up the top of the house, the bottom needs a little inspecting as well. Walk around the building to check if there’s any chapped or peeling paint. Another thing to check out is the caulking. Carefully look around the windows and doors for the caulking as the cold weather might cause it to crack and fall off. 

Be sure to repair any gaps in the caulking for many reasons. One of them is to preserve energy. Another is that you will also prevent moisture from attacking the window sills and frames. 


Don’t forget about the foundation. Visually inspect it for any signs of damage. Due to the damp climate in Canada, basements are especially vulnerable to leaks. When checking for damage, you prevent water from leaking into the basement. 

With the repeated freezing and thawing cycles that happen in Canada, they put tremendous pressure on the home’s foundation. 

Look out for any deep holes in the ground around your home’s foundation. They collect water and can cause you damages that you don’t want.

Let me explain what will happen if you don’t take action regarding these holes. When water is collected near the foundation, it can seep through the tiniest crack. Over time, the crack will get bigger. And now you have no other option than to dig down into the foundation to repair the damage. It’s very expensive. So go for that walk around the house and be on the lookout. 

Driveway Home Repairs in Canada

Home with paved driveway

Paved driveways are a beautiful feature to include in your home. But the harsh winter is very cruel to it. With the cracks in the asphalt, water seeps into it and freezes during the cold weather. Now you have ice. This ice will cause even bigger cracks to develop. 

Driving on these cracks or even just parking will weaken the asphalt. This will make it break away.

You can protect your driveway with a sealer. You should apply it before the winter starts. 

Wood Everywhere

WeServe Wood fence home repairs

If you are a lover of wood and you have a wooden fence or deck then this one’s for you! They are pretty to look at, but they are very vulnerable to weather. Yes, they are resistant to weather damage. However, without regular maintenance they will deteriorate with time. 

To protect them from the harsh weather, reapply stain or sealant as required. Also, remove any section of wood showing signs of rot.

Trim Your Trees

WeServe Lawn tree in front yard of a house

The beautiful trees that add beauty and character to your yard can be very damaging to your house. If you don’t get them trimmed, a branch might fall onto your house during a storm. Hiring someone or just doing the trimming on your own once a year will save you a lot of money.

Home repairs in Canada can get expensive. So you always need to keep your eye out on anything suspicious happening inside or outside of your home. As a homeowner, it’s not an easy job to do regularly. But to steer clear of paying thousands of dollars for repairs that could have been prevented, make it a habit and be sure to do it on the regular.

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Tips on How to Spring Clean Your Home

WeServe Spring Cleaning

Now that we have been sitting at home for over a year, we definitely noticed how cluttered and cramped our homes are. All this clutter is impacting you in a negative way without you even noticing. Did you know that having an untidy home affects your mental health? Spring clean. This is the answer to your problems right now. 

Start your spring right by cleaning your house and removing all of the unwanted items. This will help to increase your focus and productivity. During this time, especially since everyone is still working or learning from home, finding a solution to keep everyone motivated is essential. 

Don’t let the pandemic stop you from your routine spring clean. Follow these tips for increased energy and a fresh clean house.

The New Habit For Spring Clean

WeServe Hand Wiping The Door Handle With Disinfectant Wipes

Let me tell you what I know for sure. All of the doorknobs, switches, handles in your home are squeaky clean right now. This is what I like to call a new habit. So why not take advantage of it? Cleaning highly accessible items is easy and will save you some time. Keep disinfecting wipes or sprays all around your home. When you use knobs such as the front door one, you can easily wipe it down. This will not only keep your house clean but it will help to stop the spread of germs.

Another spring cleaning tip that is good for you to know is to have a designated place for your masks. Preferably, this place should be next to your door. This way, you will always remember to grab it and you don’t have to worry about spreading the germs around your home.

Incorporate a drop zone for your outside items. When you come into your house, you put everything you are carrying with you in this spot. Outside germs will be contained in such a way. This will leave you with a clean home.

Deep Clean Dirt Traps

WeServe Spring Clean The Carpet With Vacuum

While you might enjoy having a wall to wall carpet, it can trap a lot of dirt. And even though there hasn’t been a lot of visitors inside your home, there is still a surprising amount of dirt trapped. To clean it just like you normally do won’t do the trick this time. Also, you have to know that your carpet accumulates allergens and odors. These allergens cause an allergy-like symptom. Who wants to struggle with breathing in their own home?

So during this spring cleaning time, hire a professional to deep clean the carpets. Keep in mind that we are still living in a pandemic, so make sure the company is following the right safety measures. By deep cleaning, the carpets in your home will smell fresh for the new spring season. 

Spring Clean the Air Ducts

WeServe Man Cleaning The Ducts

Having dirty ducts is simply not good for you. To have clean circulating air has always been important even before this pandemic. If you have cleaned your air ducts 5 years ago or more, well then you are long overdue! Experts recommend having them cleaned every 3-5 years. This is not the case if you are a pet owner though. If you suffer from allergies or are just sensitive to dust, then you need to get the air ducts cleaned much sooner than 5 years. 

Not cleaning the air ducts for a while will lead to the accumulation of dirt and grime resulting in poor air quality.

Spring cleaning is the best time to start doing this dreadful chore. Since you have been cleaning the whole house you don’t want to forget about the ducts. The dust will just get recycled through them. You can get the help of a professional to ensure having the cleanest ducts. 

Also, pests most probably have moved in into your ducts to hide from the cold weather. Unless you want another roommate, then this chore should be on top of your list. Regular cleaning of the air ducts ensures they are running properly without any complications. 

So what you can take away from this is that if you want to breathe easier, call a professional to spring clean your ducts.

Remove the Clutter

WeServe Woman Put Her Clothes In An Organized Containers To Reduce Clutter

During the pandemic, a lot of people have taken up new hobbies, or well at least they tried. In order to start these hobbies, materials must be purchased. These materials are now accumulated in your house without you noticing. Some measures need to be taken for a less messy room. Try using decorative baskets or clear containers with labels. It all depends on the kind of material you own.

Online shopping has been amongst the most popular hobbies around the world. So whether you are buying clothes for yourself, loungewear, or even kitchen gadgets you need to start organizing. There are different methods that you could use to sort through everything you own. One of the methods that you could use is to make 3 piles; keep, donate, recycle. Then start asking yourself these questions; when was the last time I have used this item? Do I love this item? Does it bring me any joy? Depending on your answer you will know in which pile to put it in. 

With everything going on in the world that we can’t control, spring cleaning is something that we can control. Taking care of your home and keeping it clean is very important for your mental health. While we still don’t know how much longer we are going to stay at home, you might as well have a fresh, neat house. Request a professional to help you out with these tasks through the WeServe app.

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Duct Cleaning Scams and How to Avoid Them

WeServe How To Avoid Duct Cleaning Scams

Duct cleaning scams are a thing. Homeowners all over the world get a lot of scamming phone calls from duct cleaning companies that they are not aware of. Canadians are not excluded. They receive a call from a well-known company promising great offers and deals. People may get swayed by the low prices offered or the opposite- they may even get bullied into these services. 

These scammers steal different companies’ identities and act as if they are them. Homeowners often fall for this trap and learn the hard way about the scam.

If you are getting these calls or know someone who is, it’s important to know how to protect yourself and others. 

Here is how duct cleaning scams work and how you can avoid them.

Duct Cleaning Scam: How it works

WeServe Duct Cleaning Service

It all begins with a phone call from a local number. When the homeowner answers the phone, a duct cleaning company will start pitching their once in a lifetime deal. Most people feel pressured to accept the service as they may promote it as an offer that you can’t pass on. One of the deals that may be offered is to clean the entire house for $100.

When the homeowner accepts the offer, he has taken the bait. There are different tactics that may happen in this situation. Some of the companies take the appointment deposit and run. Or they actually show up to your house. 

Upon arrival at the house, they start their process and begin selling you very expensive and unnecessary services. Some people fall victim to these scamming services and accept them as they feel pressured. They end up spending hundreds of dollars on services they don’t even need.

The services offered aren’t performed by the company. The duct cleaning company will show up with equipment, but most often they will only be putting on a show. The scammers pretend to be doing the service and by the time they are done, the owners are paying a lot of money for nothing. 

The fact is, these scamming companies are never local. Their main goal is to trick homeowners into thinking they are a part of a big company. When people hear this, they will agree to accept the services. So don’t be fooled by these scammers, even if they pretend to be a well-known duct cleaning company with a good reputation.

Duct Cleaning Scams: People at Risk

WeServe Person Smiling At Mobile As A Duct Cleaning Scam

Homeowners who are used to having companies call them to offer their services are the ones to most likely fall for the scam. We all like to believe that we are smart enough not to be fooled by these scams. But in reality, you would be surprised how many of us do get scammed. 

So if you have an elderly parent of friend, this is the time to discuss these issues. To educate others and learn new things yourself is the best way to protect anyone from these scams.

Since at WeServe we have many professionals working with us, we understand the hard work they put in to maintain a good reputation. These scamming companies work on stealing other companies’ identities and credibilities. They potentially can ruin the reputation of these businesses. On top of that, they scam homeowners. 

Duct Cleaning Scams: How to Prevent Them

The scamming companies are smart. They take time to figure out how to trick homeowners and learn how to be persuasive. Educate yourself with their tactics to avoid the duct cleaning scams. 

Cold Calls are Not a Thing

Cold calls and door-to-door sales tactics are long gone. As you have noticed, at WeServe, people do all their requisitions through the app. Our professionals don’t come to your door and offer you their service. Also, no professional company will hire a telemarketing company to make their calls on their behalf. 

Look Up the Company

Before booking any service with a company, investigate it. The internet made this step so much easier. All you have to do is type their name online and you will find their website and reviews from other customers. You can find a banner or a post if they were ever in an identity theft scam. 

Say No to Too Good To Be True Deals

Every home has a different duct system. The price to clean them varies depending on what your home needs. Duct cleaning is an expensive project. It takes a lot of work and time. The good thing is you only have to do it every few years. But still, no one can give you a quote over the phone. The company needs to come to the house before giving you a quote. 

What scamming companies do is give you an offer so much cheaper than what you would usually pay for. They lure you in with this deal just so they can trick you.

Hang up

Due to our polite Canadian nature, when someone calls us no matter how uncomfortable we feel we don’t hang up. But these scammers are very persuasive and can bully you into accepting their offer. If you are ever put into this situation, just say you are not interested and hang up. Nothing wrong with doing that. Block their number as well so they can never contact you again.

Scams do happen a lot. So always be on alert and take action if you don’t feel comfortable. If you need to hire a duct cleaning company, be sure to hire a well-researched company with a good reputation. You can find many trusted professionals on the WeServe app to help you out with this project. And remember, with WeServe you won’t ever need to hang up.

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Clever Ways to Hide Your HVAC Unit

WeServe HVAC Unit in The Garden

Let’s be honest, HVAC units aren’t the nicest things to look at. To have them inside the house ruins the whole appearance. But having them outside is also going to ruin your garden’s appearance. Since we are spending more time outside, we need to make everything look good. So if you have your HVAC unit just sitting outside, this one’s for you. 

Be your own magician and trick the eye with these ways. Follow these tips to make your garden neat. Don’t forget to get the help of a professional to assist you with this project or anything else you may need.

HVAC Unit Disguise: Plants

WeServe HVAC Unit Disguised With Plants

Not everyone has an eye for landscaping. You may have grown plants in your backyard but they are not doing the job. They are not hiding the hideous HVAC unit. In Canada, there are a lot of beautiful plants that grow all year-round. All you have to do is plan out which types of bushes you want to have. Have a vision and start. Create a beautiful greenery to distract the eye.

Knowing which type of plant to put could be a bit challenging. Always consult a professional before making a decision. Some plants have invasive roots. These roots can actually damage your HVAC unit. You also need to look for plants that are the height of your unit. There is always an option to trim them. Tall shrubs are another option. 

The design and where the plants are placed also make a difference. Getting a professional will make this process so much easier. They already know which plants work and know how to place them without damaging the HVAC unit. 


WeServe Fence Around AC Unit

Another way to go is to cover it with a fence. It can be made out of any material you like. You can go with the classic wood fence. The good thing about fences is that you can customize them. They will definitely hide your HVAC unit and installing them isn’t hard. Also, using the same material as your fence is a great option.  If you were already planning on getting a new fence this year then request a professional to do this small project for a complete look. 

Don’t forget to leave space for ventilation. The landscaping professional can create a design for you that allows air flow. If you don’t do this then your unit might overheat and malfunction. This is not part of the plan. We want to disguise it, not break it! 

Flower Planter Box

Trellis, Garden Trellises, Obelisks & Lattices |

If you are ready to level up your unit camouflage, go grab yourself a flower box. You can customize this with a mix and match of your favourite flowers. You can never go wrong with flowers. This will not only liven up your space, but it will also hide the HVAC unit. 

HVAC Unit Disguise: Aluminum Slats

WeServe Aluminum Slats To Hide AC

Maybe aluminum slats aren’t your first option, but you need to give them a thought. They are a heavy duty solution. They can stand against any type of storm or any other harsh weather condition. In modern houses, home builders are using wooden fences with aluminum gates. It works well with the modern aesthetic. And it’s a long term solution for your HVAC unit.

Vinyl Fence

WeServe Vinyl Fence To Hide HVAC Unit

Vinyl is an affordable way to cover it in a pretty way. It is durable and available in many different patterns and colors. What’s a better way to have a beautiful looking vinyl than to cover up your unit. Don’t forget to add a gate for maintenance!

HVAC Unit Disguise: Lawn Ornaments

WeServe Pink Falmingo To Hide Any AC Unit In the Garden

For more eclectic people, lawn ornaments may be the best option. You can add pink flamingos, wind spinners, or anything else you like. It brings a little more character to your exterior. 

Vine Lattice 

WeServe Vine Lattice To Disguise A Unit

Who would’ve ever thought that vines can cover up your HVAC unit. All you have to do is to create a wooden lattice. Then plant the vines and enjoy your beautiful greenery. Keep in mind that vines take a few months to grow. Also, there is a variety of vines that are evergreen. Choosing one of them will keep the enclosure all year round.


Another unusual way to hide your HVAC unit is with shutters. Keep those old shutters and give them a fresh coat of paint. It’s an easy DIY, and you would be recycling your furniture without throwing anything away. You can also go shopping for a new one. As long as it’s covering the unit, it all works out!

Now that you have many different options to choose from, the only thing left to do is to start. Get a fencing professional, a landscaper, or even a handyman to help you out. No matter who you choose to contact, they will guide through everything, making it simpler for you. Don’t forget to get creative and feel free to experiment with different things. The important thing is to disguise that HVAC unit and create an eye-pleasing yard.

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Quick Tips to Increase Your Curb Appeal for Spring

WeServe House With a Boosted Curb Appeal

Since the pandemic isn’t over, we are still spending a big chunk of our time at home. This may have led you to notice all the little details going wrong in your space. We usually focus on the interior of our homes and ignore the exterior appearance. Since Spring is here, this is the perfect opportunity for you to increase your curb appeal. 

Everyone is spending more time outside due to the warmer weather. So why not make your house the talk of your neighborhood? To accomplish this, there are a few simple upgrades that you can do. 

Lawn & Garden Maintenance For Curb Appeal

WeServe Flower Bed With Colorful Flowers To Enhance Curb Appeal

Lawns and gardens are one of the main attractions for your home. Cleaning up your lawn isn’t a hard task to do. You can turn it into a fun family activity that everyone can take part in. Get everyone involved and start tidying up. Rake up the leaves, remove dead flowers or plants, and trim any overgrowth. Divide these tasks and have a fresh looking lawn in no time. 

Remove any damaged stones or bricks around the flower beds. Add some stones to the edges to create a cleaner look. You will thank yourself later for this. It will make mowing easier and you will protect your pretty flowers from the mower. Reap the fruits of your work and enjoy enhanced curb appeal.

Have a Pop of Color To Enhance Curb Appeal

WeServe Bright Blue Colored Foor

If you are feeling adventurous and ready to spruce up your house, this tip is for you. Make your entrance pop! Do this with painting your door a bright color, with flowers, or even with colorful furniture. A bright colored door is a great way to give your house a fresh look. It might sound like a crazy idea, but don’t dismiss it before trying it out! You can always go back to your neutral color later. 

On the other hand, you may like your door the way it is. So what else can you do? Go for colorful flowers. These will not only increase your curb appeal, but now you can have a place to take nice pictures in front of. If you already have pots or planters, then you might want to consider painting them a new color. Think about all the rough climate they’ve been through from winter, they deserve a fresh new coat!

And since you are doing all this, why not go one more step? Change up your hardware as well. Consider a modern look with black painted fixtures. Or any style you might like. This will work on enhancing the overall curb appeal.

Create a Distraction

WeServe Backyard Colorful Flowers

A lot of homes have unattractive things outside, whether that is an AC unit or an electrical box. Removing them is not an option of course! What you can do in this case is create a distraction. You can plant new bushes and flowers to hide the things ruining your curb appearance. Only you will still know that they are there but the beautiful and colorful layers of flowers will make them unnoticeable for everyone else. Anyone passing by will concentrate on the breathtaking scenery. And they will praise your gardening abilities. 

Always make sure you leave enough space for you to reach the things you are trying to hide. You don’t want to dig up the bush to reach the AC unit. Get some help if needed. 

Personalize Your House

WeServe Front House Patio With White Swing

We are still not allowed to visit each other. But you have neighbors and people walking around getting some exercise. So let them get to know you from the front of your house. Add a little personality to enhance the curb appearance. Doing this is easy and doesn’t take a lot of effort. You can change up the way you display your house number, add some art, or even add some fun or funky accessories. 

When you personalize your house, you give life to your house. It won’t be the same generic house you see on every street. Express yourself and add little personal touches and see how much happier you will be.

Brush Up Your Garage Door

WeServe House With Front Garage Doors

If you have a garage facing the front of your house, this one’s for you. Don’t ignore your garage door and give it a little makeover. There are tons of ideas for what you can do. But let’s keep it simple and just give it a wash. Or even paint it or stain it and make it feel new again. 

Like you did with the front door, change up the hardware here as well. Taking the time to work on your garage door will create a unified aesthetic to your house. Who doesn’t want an aesthetically pleasing house? No one I can think of!  Always pay attention to details to increase your curb appearance. 

Wash, Wash, Wash!

WeServe Fresh Lawn Care To Enhance Curb Appeal

This is a bonus tip for you but an obvious one as well. Wash everything, literally everything. Do a thorough cleaning to your driveway, your deck, and light fixtures. Basically everything that you can see. You won’t believe how much dirt accumulated during winter time. Cleaning as much as possible will definitely increase the appearance of your curb. 

If you have a power washer, this is the time to bring it out. You can also contact a professional to power wash your entire exterior.

With a little time and strategic planning, you can have the house you have been dreaming of. Enjoy your spring time with your freshened up home.

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Why Lawn Care is Important Not to Neglect

WeServe Lawn Care Mowing Green Grass

Spring has sprung and when is a more perfect time to start your lawn care and maintenance? While it may be tempting to care for the garden beds with all the beautiful blooms, you shouldn’t forget your lawn. What’s a better way to get your home ready for warmer days? While many of us don’t have a green thumb, lawn care should still be one of your priorities during this time. 

A well-manicured lawn is a beautiful addition to any home. So here is why you shouldn’t neglect your home’s landscaping.

Think About Your Curb Appeal

WeServe House With Blooming, Colorful Flowers in Front Yard

Keeping your lawn plush increases your curb’s appeal. This is one of the reasons homeowners care for their lawn. Also, lawn care increases your property’s value. Not to mention it’ll get the neighbors a tad jealous!

Lawn care as well keeps the intruders away. How though? Well seeing a beautifully groomed lawn shows that there is someone regularly in the house. 

Everybody wants an appealing and dazzling green lawn to enjoy on warmer days. But without regular maintenance, this can’t be achieved. Your lawn will be susceptible to growing weeds and host more pests giving you a yellow looking lawn. With regular lawn care, accomplish your goals of having healthy green grass.

Lawn Care

Regular mowing allows the grass to flourish. This helps remove unwanted, unhealthy grass. Keeping at a consistent height is important as well. 

Fact: The ideal grass height is about three to four inches.

Retaining this height won’t allow any debris or garbage from accumulating.

Lawn care keeps your garden from being taken over by weeds. If the weeds are not removed immediately, their seeds will spread leading to further growth. Plus the seeds can even spread into your neighbor’s yard. So be responsible and remove the weeds as soon as you can. 

Maintaining your lawn will allow it to recover faster from the effects of adverse weather conditions.


During the cold weather, pests look for places to keep warm. Longer grass invites more pests and insects into your garden as the grass keeps them safe and warm. Also, insects love to eat grass. Insects start eating grass from the roots up so it may be hard to notice them at first. This is why you should always have a maintained lawn to prevent any further issues. If you notice some signs of insects eating your lawn, you have to act fast. Call a professional to help prevent any pest issues.

Lawn Care Benefits the Environment 

WeServe Lawn Care With Added Flower Beds

As it is known for everyone, trees and grass are what produces oxygen, hence, improving air quality. So obviously,  neglecting your lawn can be bad for the environment.

Air Quality

A healthy lawn contributes to the amount of oxygen in the air. It also works on trapping any dust or other pollutants. And don’t forget about the soil. A well maintained yard with healthy grass protects the soil and any soil particle from being blown away. 

Colder Air

Who doesn’t love sitting under a tree in the shade on a warm summer day? Lawns, trees, and even shrubs contribute to providing shade. As well as evaporating water. Plus it makes a great hanging out spot for your family and kids. 


When you take care of your lawn it looks so appealing to the eye. This is because of the light reflection that healthy grass produces. And you might not know this but grass reduces noise. It absorbs sound if it’s healthy and in good shape.


Simply put, if you don’t care for your lawn it’s going to create a few issues for you. Without regular maintenance, restoring your yard to its original form will be difficult, not to mention costly. When you neglect the lawn and you don’t properly fertilize or aerate it, you will have damage that will be hard to restore. This may force you to get a new lawn. Investing in lawn care at an early stage and actually spending time to maintain it can save a lot of money. Yes you are spending a little time and money now, but this will help you to cut down costs in the future.

Color Springs & Lawn Care

WeServe Colorful Flowers To Boost Curb Appeal

This doesn’t really benefit anyone except you. Having the first gorgeous bulb flowers bloom will please your winter-weary soul. Just imagine the beautiful flowers in your garden after a long and snowy winter. Doing lawn care properly will give you this amazing sight in your own garden.

It is understandable that most of us don’t feel like doing this chore from time to time. But doing a little work each week will go a long way to achieving your goal of having a beautiful garden. Lawn care can be considered as a daunting chore if you don’t have the time. The WeServe app can connect you to the lawn care professionals you need to help you out. A landscaping pro comes fully equipped and ready to take care of all your lawn needs. As the warm weather approaches, start thinking about how you can enjoy your garden.

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Carpet Flooring: the Truth and the Best Options for Your Basement

WeServe Basement with Carpet Flooring

When you think about basements, you don’t think about carpet flooring. Basements are usually associated with flooding or being too damp.  Also, whenever you mention it to a homeowner, visions of mold come to mind. But let me surprise you, carpet flooring could work for your home and might even be the best option for you.

On the other hand, carpet flooring might work for your neighbor’s home but not yours. It all depends on your house. And don’t think you can install just any type of carpet in your house. There are many types of carpet flooring you should know about before making your decision. Be smart about how you choose and hopefully this article will guide you into the right direction. So here is the truth about carpet flooring and the best choices for your basement.

The Truth

WeServe Brown Basement with Carpet Flooring

Carpets are a great option for bedrooms, living rooms, and family rooms. They warm up the space and they have a variety of designs and colors that suit everybody. Also, they help dampen the sounds, making it great for the upper levels. 

Everyone’s biggest concern when having carpets in their basement is the mold. This would be an issue if you have a flood or some sort of leak. In fact, carpet flooring is no worse than any other popular flooring option. In case of a flood, your carpet can be easily dried out to avoid any mold issue. And if you act fast, all the problems will be averted and it wouldn’t be a health hazard for your home. 

Benefits of Carpet Floorings

Before anything else, everyone knows that carpet flooring adds warmth and comfort to your home. Another benefit you might not know of, you can install it over an uneven concrete floor. This is an added bonus as you won’t have to worry about fixing the floors before installing. Making it a win-win situation and saving you some money. And you won’t ever have to worry about having uneven floors.

The Best Carpet Flooring for Basements in Canada

WeServe Grey Carpet Floor

Carpets made from synthetic fibers. Hear me out, if you want to have carpet flooring in your basement this is the way to go! Why, you ask? Synthetic fibers do not retain moisture like the way natural fibers do. This way your carpet can withstand whatever circumstances come it’s way. The less moisture, the better when it comes to carpet flooring. A synthetic carpet can handle the increased moisture and will in fact release the extra moisture. This means no more mold or mildew growth issues under your carpet.

Another thing you need to know is if the backing and padding material is also synthetic. This is just as important as having synthetic fibers on top of your carpet. Make sure to ask your carpet specialist before installing it. You also need to ensure that the underpad is also synthetic for the same reasons stated above. A polyurethane foam pad is your go-to option. And be sure to stay away from any rubber pad.

Is Carpet Flooring the Option for Your Basement?

WeServe kid and mother playing on the carpet floor

To be able to answer this question, there are different aspects you have to think about. First, how do you want to use the space? Are you going to use it only for storage or are you going to actually use it? Do you have any pets or children? And the most important question is your basement prone to flooding or moisture? These are necessary questions you need to ask yourself before making your choice.

If you are looking to make your basement a movie room for your family to enjoy, then carpet is the way to go. But if it’s primarily going to be used as a storage room, then you shouldn’t invest in carpet flooring. And if you are still confused about what you should do, then contact a flooring professional before making any decisions. They will give you the best option for your house while taking into consideration your lifestyle. 

Also, if your basement isn’t waterproofed and is prone to flooding, then nothing will work for you. No matter what flooring you have in this case, it will get ruined. The best option you have is to add an outdoor rug. It will give you the warmth you are seeking for and it can be easily thrown away if anything happens to it.

Carpet Flooring Conclusion

Carpet flooring is a great option for a lot of homes. But if you still can’t decide if this is the right choice for your home and this article might have helped you to consider this type of flooring but you are still afraid to make the wrong decision, then request a flooring specialist before finalizing any plans.

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