Who doesn’t like to feel like their house is brand new? Without moving into or purchasing a brand new house, this can be achieved by simply painting the walls. But such a task costs money. Maybe more money than you’ve expected. Painting cost for a house depends on what you are planning to do.

The price usually ranges from around $7,000 – $9,000 CAD + HST. The price per square foot to paint a 2000 sq ft house is around $2.25 to $3 CAD + HST. The average cost to paint a house is usually $4,000 – $5,000 CAD + HST for interior painting for the walls only. Two floors of a house for interior painting for the walls only is anywhere from $5,000 – $10,000 CAD + HST. The average cost is $700 – $1,200 CAD + HST for the trims and doors, including baseboards, door, and window frames. That usually consists of two coats of premium white paint. The average cost is usually $1,000 – $1,300 CAD + HST for ceilings that don’t need any extra fussing. The average size GTA home has 3 – 4 closets. The price for each can vary from $75 – $125 CAD + HST. The cost of French doors is usually around $300 CAD + HST.

Breaking Down the Painting Cost for House

WeServe man painting a blue wall white with brush

The house painting costs don’t only depend on the material you are covering, but also on the area you live in.

The expenses fall into two main categories:

Labor costs

With any home painting job, the biggest cost is the labor. Painters usually spend a long time inside the house. The prepping phase of the walls takes time and labor. Without preparing the walls, the paint won’t adhere well and the job won’t last. 

The only way to save up some money on this is to reduce how much time these professional painters are staying in your house. You can help out by cleaning, sanding, patching or caulking anything needed. 

Paint & Materials

The average paint gallon is around $45. But it depends on the sheen, the grade you choose, and if there are any special features. For instance, some are mold resistance.  Others suppress smells or require fewer coats. 

Your professional painter will recommend the best type of paint for your home. 

The other materials are the tapes, tarps, brushes, rollers, and any other equipment and supplies. 

Tips for Saving on Painting Cost for House

WeServe two men painting the ceiling of house white

Labor is your biggest expense. Knowing this piece of information, you can reduce the hours the painters are spending in your home. This and other tips can help reduce on house painting costs.

Get Competing Bids

Don’t settle for the first professional you meet. Before hiring, get multiple estimates. Also, find recommended and licensed experts around your area.

When you find the ideal man or woman for the job, you need to start asking some questions. Ask the painter to specify how many hours it’s going to take to prep and to paint. As well as what products is he/she is going to use, how many coats he/she will apply, and what additional costs there will be.


Make sure you get everything in writing. This will simply assure you that you are getting everything done that you have already agreed on. Whether that is caulking the windows or painting the bathroom on the second floor.

Do Some of the Work Yourself to Cut Down on Painting Cost For House

WeServe Man sitting on the floor looking at painting tools

Hiring a professional is always the right move when it comes to painting your home. On the other hand, there are some things that you can do by yourself to save up a little money on the house paint expenses.

Trimming the shrubs for example is an easy job to do on your own. Save up some time by moving the furniture to clear the space for the painters. Remove the outlet covers and reinstall them after the paint job is done. If you have the skills, you can patch, scrape, and sand the walls. But if you are not sure of your capabilities, leave it to the professionals.

Repaint the Walls Frequently

Repaint before seeing any visible signs of wear appear. This is important especially for the exterior of the house. Don’t wait to see peeling or flaking. It will only cost you more money to paint it the next time. 

Think Before You Paint

WeServe man painting the exterior of a house white

You need to think about what color you are going to use. When you recoat your existing color, you may get away with doing one coat only. Unlike if you decide to change the color. Then one coat won’t be enough. 

Also, avoid deep colors. Bright reds and oranges mostly require four to five coats to cover well. Meaning more paint and labor cost. 

Go for lighter colors on the exterior, they don’t fade as fast as the darker colors. This way you don’t have to repaint more often. 

Now that you have a better idea about painting cost for the house, you can start planning for your new paint job project. Save some money with the tips provided but also consult with a professional. Get the home of your dreams now with fresh new paint!

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