As you browse through different house cleaning service providers, it is easy to get overwhelmed trying to sort out through numerous websites, getting varying quotes, asking for recommendations and reviews, and trying to work out an appointment with a provider. Sounds time consuming, doesn’t it?
WeServe gathers all the information you need to know on one easy-to-use platform that aims to make your life easier. The app connects homeowners, like yourself, with all types of service providers around them, whether its painters, electricians, roofers, appliance installers, furniture assemblers, plumbers, and much more.
But today we are talking about house cleaners so let us focus on that.
If you are in search of a new house cleaning service, allow us to walk you through some tips that will guarantee you to enjoy a seamless process.
Set your expectations before requesting a cleaning service

Nothing is worse than coming home and expecting the laundry to be folded when it’s not. That’s why rule number one is to set your expectations and limit your assumptions.
When looking to request a home cleaner, communicate your expectations and what you really want to have cleaned. At the end of the day, not all service providers provide the same service. For example, some home cleaners unload your dishwashers and others do not; some change your beddings while others charge extra for it; and some take care of your pets while others are not comfortable doing so. Therefore, communication is key.
Consider frequency
It is to no surprise that you can negotiate a better rate with a service provider that you request more frequently. If you are looking to call in a home cleaner weekly, biweekly or monthly, communicate this with them and try to work out a package.
Also, the more frequently you request the help of a specific service provider, the more acquainted they will get with your space. Accordingly, the job will be done more efficiently and perhaps faster. At this point, you will expect more work to be done during your cleaning session, with even higher quality.
Read Review
The introduction of reviews in the digital world have changed our shopping behavior in a way that all other online trends have not. 94% of online shoppers have reported that a negative review has convinced them to avoid certain services and businesses.
Same applies for home-cleaning service providers. You can now scroll through hundreds of reviews before committing to a certain service provider and calling them into your home.
This feature is available for you on the WeServe app, where you can view a worker’s star rating and read what other homeowners thought about the level of service they have previously provided. Not only will this help manage your expectations and ensure that you only request trusted help, but it will also give you the ability to leave them a review so that other homeowners can benefit from your experience too.
Choose the type of help
As you scroll through different service providers in the field of home cleaning, you will find yourself in the position of choosing between hiring a private housekeeper or an employee from a larger professional company.
Hiring a private housekeeper like the ones found on the WeServe app will give you the advantage of being able to hire the same person every time as opposed to a company which revolves the schedule of its several employees. Also, it is safe to say that private help usually comes at a cheaper and a more flexible cost.
To conclude this, and just like with any other service that comes into your home, you should follow a few guidelines including interviewing and asking about everything you need to know beforehand including the rates, the schedule, and the experience. Moreover, discuss expectations regarding the scope of the work that should be done, the supply of equipment and the additional chores you would like to be taken care of. And finally discuss payment and appointment preferences.
If this sounds overwhelming, we assure you it’s not. All these steps can be completed easily on the WeServe app where you can navigate the different profiles of housekeepers around you, read the reviews, view their rates and message them directly. Once all is in check, you can simply send a job request in a matter of one click and that’s about it. Simple enough, isn’t it?