For many people winter represents a cozy ambience at home. Relaxing near your fireplace as you watch rain and snow fall from the comfort of your couch, and binge watching some of your favorite series along with your family members. This is a picture that we often paint in our heads, but is this really the case? While it may be true for some, we can assure you that for a vast majority of homeowners’ winter mainly represents worrying about the dreaded energy bills that come with creating that kind of ambiance to save on heating costs..
Afterall, who wants to break their bank account covering electricity and heating costs?
The good news is you can carry out some simple home and heater maintenance measures that will save you a lot on your bills this winter season. Here are WeServe’s top 3 tips for you:
Upgrade your thermostat:
If you haven’t done so already, it might be time to consider a programmable thermostat that allows you to customize the heating schedule in your home; when to go on and off every day. You can also consider investing in what is called a smart thermostat which allows you to control your heating system from your smartphone where you can simply turn on the heater right before arriving home instead of leaving it on the whole day in hopes of arriving to a warm home in the evening.

Who would have thought that there will ever be a heating unit that can learn when, how and which temperature you would want to run your heater according to your own preferences. Welcome to 20th century where almost everything around us is becoming more automated; saving us time, effort and money.
We realize that installing a smart device may sound daunting, even costly to a lot of homeowners and that’s exactly why WeServe HVAC service providers will step in to get your new thermostat up and running hassle-free in no time and at a reasonable price. All you have to do is request the service on the app.
Tune-up your heating
It is no wonder that a heating system that is not running efficiently will make a lot of energy go to waste; driving up your bills for no reason. Before the season sets in, you should have your system inspected by heating professionals, which you can easily find and request on WeServe. Once you request your heating professional, they will come to inspect your unit, ensure your system is running in an efficient and smooth manner, and will tune it up in order to avoid the system failing you at any time during the season. Trust us, you don’t want your heating system shutting down on you and your family in the midst of winter.
Insulate your windows, doors and roofs to save on heating costs
What is the point of having a fully-efficient heating system if some of the heat is lost from windows and doors that are not perfectly insulated? That is just an example of energy wastage, and accordingly, wasting money that could otherwise be saved.
On the WeServe app you can find numerous door and window professional workers who you can request to come in and take care of all those poorly insulated gaps. They might fix the caulking and the weather-stripping or might see that a full on replacement is the better way to go.
On a similar note, we can’t go on talking about insulation without mentioning the importance of a well-insulated roof. Beware of wasting energy and heating costs trying to compensate for a poorly insulated roof that can’t do the proper job of preventing air from coming in and out of your home. Same with window and door professionals, roofing workers on WeServe will gladly come and inspect your roof before the start of the season to see if a further layer of insulation is required to form an additional barrier between your home and the outdoors.
All in all, it is safe to say that prevention is better than the cure. Spending some time and money on maintenance measures will go a long way in cutting future costs associated with fixing problems that could have been easily prevented in the first place. If you have not done so already, it is definitely time to download the WeServe App, request professional workers from the categories you need, and have your home ready for the season tp save on heating costs.